Meaning Behind the Name
Harmonic Divergence
As an ADHDer and Autistic person, I've tried to understand myself inside and outside what it means to be neurodivergent. Who I am is so intrinsically intertwined with how my brain works, that it's impossible to separate the two. Understanding me and unlearning me outside of what the society expects from me, has been, and it still is, an infinite process.
This process of self-awareness, self-discovery and self-love is one that grows each day a bit more. Each day making progress, that at times feels small, fractionated. But even if each day we grow a fraction slightly smaller than the previous day, progress is happening, we are growing and learning at a steady pace.
Although at times, it might seem like the progress is slow, it is infinite, it's what we call in math DIVERGENT.
Divergence then takes another meaning—embracing our neurodivergence is just like the harmonic series. That infinite series which describes the musical tones or the sequence of harmonics of a cord that vibrates.
Part of this infinite journey has brought me here, to loving myself, advocating for others and making Harmonic Divergence possible. Through Harmonic Divergence my goal is to help people feel musical, vibrant, pulsating, living ad infinitum, each day growing just a bit more, embracing the infinity, which is beautifully atypical.
The Harmonic Series
is the infinite series formed by summing all positive unit fractions
is a divergent series (infinite)